The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2
Join Corey Olsen, the Tolkien Professor, as he continues his in-depth look at the origins of Middle-earth with The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2, which is the second book in the 12-volume History of Middle-earth.
In The Book of Lost Tales, Part 1, we discussed Tolkien’s mythology and the framework that he developed for his mythic tales. In the second part of the Lost Tales, we will discuss Tolkien’s first attempt to develop and integrate his great tales, the stories that would serve as the cornerstones of Middle-earth for Tolkien’s entire creative career, including the stories of Tinúviel, Turambar, Tuor, and Eärendel. Finally, we will look at the radical shift in Tolkien’s thought that began to take place around the time when he abandoned the Lost Tales, and we will discuss its implications for the future direction of Tolkien’s stories.
The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2 is available from Amazon. It can be purchased in hardcover, paperback, or electronic formats.
A Message from Dr. Corey Olsen
As part of the Mythgard Academy series, the seminar is completely free and open to the public. The first 100 participants for each session are able to participate in the discussion live, and both video and audio recordings of the classes will be available on this web page, through the Mythgard podcast feed, and on our iTunes U course.
Like all Mythgard Academy classes, this course is made possible by the generosity of everyone who supported our fundraising campaign last fall. The topics of our Academy classes are nominated and elected entirely by our generous donors. After an exhilarating journey with the rabbits of Watership Down, the Mythgard Academy electors have turned back to Tolkien, choosing to follow up last year’s study of The Book of Lost Tales, Part 1 with an examination of the second volume.
If you missed our fundraising campaign but would still like to take part in our class voting process to decide our future topics for the rest of the year, it isn’t too late! Visit our donation page and help support our free classes!
— Dr. Corey Olsen
Schedule for The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2
The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2 seminar originally took place from February 11 – April 15, 2015, on Wednesday evenings.
Week 1: Modest Beginnings
Read: Chapter 1
Date: February 11, 2015
Week 2: Discovering Greatness
Read: Chapter 1
Date: February 18, 2015
Week 3: Turin the Fey
Read: Chapter 2, pp 69-91 (plus notes and commentary)
Date: February 25, 2015
Week 4: Doom and Tears
Read: The rest of Chapter 2
Date: March 4, 2015
Week 5: Before the Beginning
Read: Chapter 3, pp 144-169 (plus notes and commentary)
Date: March 11, 2015
Week 6: Lighter and More
Read: The rest of Chapter 3
Review: Silmarillion, Chapter 11 (Quenta)
Date: March 18
Week 7: Curses! Foiled Again!
Read: Chapter 4
Date: March 25, 2015
Week 8: The Tale’s True Beginning
Read: Chapter 5
Date: April 1, 2015
Week 9: The Eriol Story
Read: Chapter 6, pp 278-300
Date: April 8, 2015
Week 10: If You Believe the Old Tales
Read: Chapter 6, pp 300-334
Date: April 15, 2015
Artwork for The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2
The artwork for The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2 was adapted from “Flight of the Doomed” by Ted Nasmith. Used with permission.