Silmarillion Film Project, Season 3
Listen on The Tolkien Professor Podcast
Session 3-1: The Season Story Arc
We begin the third season with the rebellion of the Noldor – but where should we end it? We discuss possible endings and arcs for the new season.
Session 3-2: The Season Frame Narrative
Digging deeper into Season 3, we discuss the frame narrative that will surround the primary plot and story arc of the season.
Session 3-3: Creative Challenges
As we get closer to discussing the Season 3 episode structure, we need to discuss some of the creative challenges we will face over the upcoming season and answer questions like: Why do the elves decide to live in a cave? Is ice the only dangerous thing in the Helcaraxë? And what exactly is Angband like?
Session 3-4: Episode 1 – The Rebellion of the Noldor
For the first episode of Season 3, we are going to focus on the rebellion of the Noldor, including the debate in the torch-lit square of Tirion that culminates in the Oath of Fëanor.
Session 3-5: Episode 2 – The Kinslaying
In the second episode of the season, we need to reconcile how the Kinslaying and the crisis at the harbor will work with the characterization of Olwë, who is part of Ulmo’s grand plan to reunite Valinor and Beleriand through the use of ships.
Session 3-6: Episode 3 – Meanwhile, in Beleriand…
The beginning of the episode will pick up where we left off with the aftermath of the Kinslaying, before moving on across the ocean to Beleriand.
Session 3-7: Episode 3 (cont’d) – Meanwhile, (still) in Beleriand…
There is a lot to be worked out, and after some discussion, a new proposed outline for the season emerges. In Episode 3, we will now see orcs starting to appear in Belerian, while the Noldor feel the need for ships and the Kinslaying ultimately occurs.
Session 3-8: Episode 4 – Kazhâd a mênu!
In Episode 4, we will focus on the dwarves, though there will be some non-dwarf stuff happening as well, including checkins with Eöl, Thingol, Sauron and Shelob.
SilmFilm Special Webathon Session 2017
Session 3-9
Session 3-10
Session 3-11
Session 3-12
Session 3-13
Session 3-14
Session 3-15
Session 3-16
Session 3-17
Session 3-18
Session 3-19
Session 3-20
Session 3-21
Session 3-22
Session 3-23
Session 3-24
Session 3-25
Session 3-26
Image: Aulë and the Seven Fathers, by Ted Nasmith (used with permission)