
In November 2020, we’re all going to Hell — via Inferno, the first part of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. This 14th century epic poem tells the story of Dante’s journey through the eponymous realm, guided by the spirit of the ancient Roman poet Virgil. Together, the two men travel into and through the nine circles of Hell, observing the various punishments of the sinners imprisoned in each one. They ultimately find themselves face to face with Satan, who finds out what exactly happens when Hell freezes over.
Inferno (and Divine Comedy in general) is a prime example of the heights that medieval fan fiction could attain. Dante incorporates stories from the Bible and Christian tradition, classical and medieval literature, as well as contemporary events and personages, many of the latter of whom find themselves enduring everlasting discipline according to their offenses — or perceived offenses — as adjudicated by Dante himself.
Join Dr. Corey Olsen (and Dante and Virgil) on this extraordinary expedition, which should take us into the new year — literally, and hopefully metaphorically as well.
Classroom (Netmoot) Twitch Forum Chat
Inferno Etext
Many translations and editions of Inferno exist. The version that we will primarily use for Mythgard Academy is the Allen Mandelbaum translation, which is available for free alongside the Petrocchi Italian edition at Columbia University.
Those who wish to read along with their own edition may of course do so as they desire.
A Message from Dr. Corey Olsen
The Mythgard Academy is dedicated to discussing books of speculative fiction, no matter how old or how speculative they are! Even better, all of our classes are available online for free, and they are preserved for posterity on the Signum University YouTube channel.
This program receives financial support directly the Signum University Annual Fund, which is backed by generous donors throughout the year. During the 2020 Annual Fund Campaign, I talked about the ways we are expanding our programs and building a haven for the humanities in the 21st century — through discussions like the ones we have weekly here at Mythgard Academy, as well as new and ongoing programs from Signum. Each person who gives any amount has the opportunity to vote which books we talk about, and those who give at least $100 can make nominations through the Council of the Wise. Other medieval texts we’ve looked at in the past include The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius and Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory.
Inferno will be our third and final book of 2020, and in some ways it couldn’t be more appropriate given the rough year that it has been for many people. In early 2021, we will return to the History of Middle-earth series with the penultimate volume, The War of the Jewels, after which we will vote on a new book. If you want to participate in the nomination and voting process, donate today to join the Council and suggest your favorite story!
– Dr. Corey Olsen
Inferno discussions will take place on Wednesday evenings at 10pm ET.
Week 1
Read: Canto I
Date: November 4, 2020
Week 2
Read: Canto II – IV
Date: November 11, 2020
Week 3
Read: Canto V – VII
Date: November 18, 2020
Week 4
Read: Canto VIII – X
Date: December 2, 2020
Week 5
Read: Canto XI – XIII
Date: December 9, 2020
Week 6
Read: Canto XIV – XVI
Date: December 16, 2020
Week 7
Read: Canto XVII – XIX
Date: December 23, 2020
Week 8
Read: Canto XX – XXII
Date: December 30, 2020
Week 9
Read: Canto XXIII – XXV
Date: January 6, 2020
Week 10
Read: Canto XXVI – XXVIII
Date: January 13, 2020
Week 11
Read: Canto XXIX – XXXI
Date: January 20, 2020
Week 12
Read: Canto XXXII – XXXIV
Date: January 27, 2020