The Name of the Rose is blazoned over a scene of monks copying manuscripts. Blue background makes it all look so peaceful, doesn't it?

The Name of the Rose

by Umberto Eco

Corey will use the translation by William Weaver to explore this amazing, intricate novel of medieval Church politics, literary theory, semiotics, and biblical analysis.  This is, in the end, a mystery novel.  Or a tragedy.  Or a social commentary.  Brother William of Baskerville has been sent to an abbey in northern Italy to mediate a disagreement between Pope John XXII and the Fransiscans, simple enough.  But then brothers start dying, and Brother William (because of his own dark past) has the skills to solve the mysterious deaths.  

Want to read it in Italian?  Please do!  Or any of the other dozens of languages into which The Name of the Rose has been translated!

Join Dr. Corey Olsen on Wednesday nights for a fabulous discussion.

How to Participate: