Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Event Recording
On December 4, 2017, at 8:30 pm Eastern Time, the Mythgard Institute will proudly present the first installment of its new series of panel discussions on film and television shows, the Mythgard Movie Club.
Facilitated by Signum Grad School alumni and podcasting partners Katherine Sas and Curtis Weyant, the inaugural discussion of the Mythgard Movie Club will look at Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which was directed by Michel Gondry and stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. Among other things, this science fiction film explores themes of memory, trust, and the persistence of attraction and love.
The panel for this session is made up of participants from the One Fantastic Rogue Beast discussion earlier this year, which was presented as part of the Signum Symposia. The panelists include Katherine Sas, Curtis Weyant, Brenton Dickieson, Emily Strand & Kelly Orazi.
We welcome participation from all who are interested in discussing this movie. We will be using our standard GoToWebinar “Netmoot” interface.
Sign up for Mythgard Movie Club
About the Panelists
Kat Sas recently submitted her final M.A. Thesis for Signum University where she is completing her degree concentrating in Imaginative Literature. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of her favorite films ever, and she browbeat fellow-facilitator Curtis into submission in order to have it as the Movie Club’s first subject of discussion.
Curtis Weyant is a Signum Grad School alumnus who sometimes wishes he could erase the memory of his thesis experience, much like the characters of Eternal Sunshine erase the most traumatic events from their minds. Along with Kat Sas, he co-hosts the weekly podcast Kat & Curt’s TV Re-View, in which they discuss episodes of various speculative television shows including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica.
Brenton Dickieson is working on a PhD on the theology of C.S. Lewis’ fictional worlds and writes the blog, www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com. He lives in the almost fictional land of Prince Edward Island, where he teaches and consults in higher education.
Kelly Orazi is a longtime bookseller, reader, and Signum Grad Schoolstudent. She spends her days reading Harry Potter, pretending she has the Force, and hanging out with her dog, Lupin. She is descended from a real-life wandmaker, but has yet to embark on the journey of making her own lightsaber.
Emily Strand is a professor of Comparative Religions at Mt. Carmel College of Nursing in Columbus, OH, where she also serves the Catholic diocese as a a Master Catechist. Besides her books on liturgy, she has published articles on the Harry Potter series, including a contribution to Harry Potter for Nerds 2, is a staff writer at HogwartsProfessor.com, and has appeared on the Mugglenet Academia podcast. Strand blames Amy H. Sturgis’ Star Wars course for her full-on obsession with all things Jedi.