Silmarillion Film Project, Season 2
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Session 2-1: Brainstorming
Discussing the big-picture overview of the season, starting with the the awakening of the Elves at Cuivienen (from their point of view) and ending with the Darkening of Valinor.
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Session 2-2: Episode Calendar
Deciding on general outline for season 2 – not in detail, as we will map out episode-by-episode plots later.
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Session 2-3: The Elves
Today is the day we talk about the Elves – how they came to be and their divisions.
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Session 2-4: Linguistics, etc.
Discussion about the linguistics of the Silmarillion, the continuing the Big Picture stuff for Season 2, and the sundering of races, as well as material culture and other markers.
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Session 2-5: Episode 1 – Crisis in Cuivienen
Discussion and outline of the first episode of Season 2, starting with Arwen’s frame story, which leads into the story of the awakening of the elves on the shores of Cuivienen.
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Session 2-6: Episode 2 – “Don’t Get in the Van, Elwë!”
In the second episode of Season 2, the Elvish ambassadors take a trip to Valinor.
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Session 2-7: Episode 3 – DeGreat DeBate
Episode 3 of Season 2 will focus on the debate amongst the elves about whether to remain in Middle-earth or head over to Valinor.
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Session 2-8: Episode 4 – The Avari (The Unwilling)
In the fourth episode of Season 2, we show the developing power struggle between Gothmog and Mairon, and the return of Lenwë to the Avari.
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Session 2-9: Episode 5 – The Enemies and The Surfer Elves
In this session, we revisit the Thingol and Melian story, take a hard look at Sauron’s posse, and map out the structure of Season 2, Episode 5, which focuses on the arrival of the Noldor and Vanyar.
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Session 2-10: Episode 6 – Finwë has a lot of reproductive work to do
In the sixth episode of Season 2, we work out the details of Fëanor’s birth and the death of his mother Miriel, establishing parallels between the two and laying the foundation’s for Fëanor’s doom.
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Session 2-11: Episode 7 – Spirit of Fire (aka The Silmarillion needs more Rap Battles)
This episode focuses on the Noontide of Valinor, and in particular on the growth in Fëanor’s skill as a master smith, with lots of foreshadowing of him smithing with the red glow of forge-fire on his face.
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Session 2-12: Episode 8 – Everybody Loves Fingolfin
By the eighth episode of the season, we are getting ready for a bit of a twist as we prepare for the trial of Melkor and shift towards the real conflict of the season.
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Session 2-13: Episode 9 – Finally! The Flippin’ Silmarils!
After a season and a half, we’re finally ready to introduce the things at the center of the story: the Silmarils! Plus, we get ready for the next episode, where the central conflict of the season will come to a head.
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BONUS! SilmFilm Special: The Season 2 Frame
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Session 2-14: Episode 10 – The Kinstrife
In Episode 10 of the season, we bring Fingolfin and Fëanor into conflict – finally revealing Fëanor for the jerk he really is.
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Session 2-15: Episode 11 – Saga of Feänor at Formenos
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Session 2-16: Episode 12
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Session 2-17: Episode 13 – The Season Finale
In which we discuss the major themes of the show: the tragedy of loss and tragic falls of the main characters we have been developing throughout the last two seasons.
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Session 2-18: The Killing of the Trees, Frame and Bad Guy Subplots
Now that we’ve worked through the details of each episode, we will solidify the season-long arcs, the frame narrative, and the subplots of our major villains.
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Session 2-19: Script Outlines (Episodes 1 – 4)
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Session 2-20: Script Outlines (Episodes 5 – 8)
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Session 2-21: Script Outlines (Episodes 9 – 13)
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Session 2-22: Season 2 Casting
Session 2-23: Creative Input from the Listeners
Session 2-24: Music – Scores, Soundtracks and Character Themes
Listener and resident composer Philip Menzies joins the SilmFilm team again to talk about music for Season 2. Also, Tolkien artist Ted Nasmith joins the discussion to discuss subcreation and artistic adaptation of The Silmarillion.
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Image: At Lake Cuivienen, by Ted Nasmith (used with permission)